How to show Currency Options drop down on homepage or header in magento?

show Currency Options drop down on homepage or header in magento?

and if not showing  Currency Options drop down somewhere so follow these steps.

- Follow these steps to show store specific currency:-

- Go to System -> Configuration -> GENERAL -> Currency Setup

- In left sidebar at top, you will see “Current Configuration Scope”

- Select your desired store from the selection list

- Now, under “Currency Options“, you will see “Default Display Currency”

- Select your desired currency from the selection list

You are done. In frontend, select the store for which you did the above changes. You will see the price in your desired currency.

and put this line of code where u you want to display currency converter

<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('directory/currency')->setTemplate('directory/currency.phtml')->toHtml(); ?>


  1. Excellent been looking for that option for ages

  2. I selected the default store as english and select the default currency as US Dollar and allowed currencies are US Dollar, Euro, Indian Rupee. But i am not able to see the currency drop down on my magento front end

  3. I am also not able to see dropdown in my magento

  4. not working for me too

  5. You need to add this code too where you want to show the currency dropdown

    getLayout()->createBlock('directory/currency')->setTemplate('directory/currency.phtml')->toHtml(); ?>

  6. great work works for me.


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