
Showing posts from December, 2019

How to hide an email before @ in php?

If you are looking for a function in which you want a code to hide email before @ so just copy and paste this code. function hide_mail($email) {     $mail_part = explode("@", $email);     $mail_part[0] = str_repeat("*", strlen($mail_part[0]));     return implode("@", $mail_part); } Pass email id in it and this will hide the email before @ // *************

How to hide Phone number in PHP with different format?

How to hide phone number in PHP. I am using phone number in pp but i want a function in which i can add star in my phone number so can user can not read a phone number only some number will be visible and some number will be with asterisk. So i created a function in which i have added a code. You can just change the logic and change the format of phone number to hide the number. function stars($phone) { $times=strlen(trim(substr($phone,4,5))); $star =''; for ($i=0; $i <$times ; $i++) {  $star.='*'; } return $star; } // 99******54 above function will print a number like this

My AOC monitor C24V1H curved sound not working?

Today I bought a monitor AOC Curved C24V1H and I did everything but sound not working. What is the problem? Actually this version of AOC C24V1H sound not working because it has no speaker builtin. It has speaker space and audio jack to connect the speaker but it has no speaker. If you will search on the internet and find a PDF file of AOC C24V1H then you will find that there is no built-in Speaker in this monitor. I struggled so much to this then I found that AOC C24V1H does not has a speaker. Hope you found the Answer.