
How to configure url redirection in apache in xampp OR enabling mod rewrite in xampp

To configure url redirection in apache in xampp Or enabling mod rewrite in xampp You should follow these steps for enabling mod rewrite in xampp To enable mod_rewrite in xampp first go to the directory of installation <xampp-directory>\apache\conf   and edit httpd.conf . Find the line which contains #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ uncomment this line means remove hash(#) front of this line (should be): LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ Also find AllowOverride None  Should be: AllowOverride All I really think it appears 2 or 3 times on the configuration file. Happy xampping!

how to get middle value from a string in excel or find value between two character or word?

IF you want to get middle value from a string in excel or find value between two character or word? Let ... If the value is  32000=1=10.44|32000=12=7.64|3200 and you want to get "10.44" value It is little bit long way but you can get exact result... First you should use =MID(A1,2,2)     This formula it will return you a string like =MID(A1,9,10) where 9 is the value where you want to start to select value and 10 is that how much character you want to put It will return something like this "10.44|3200" Now you  in other colon use this code for last result =LEFT(B1,FIND("|",B1,1)-1) Use this formula it will return you your value which you want to get like: 10.44

How Do I Determine If A Value In One Column Exists In Another Column? - Excel

How Do I Determine If A Value In One Column Exists In Another Column ? - Excel If you want to know that the value of first column exist in second column in  excel so So place at first column which data you want to check and place in second column which will you compare first column data. Now paste this code in  3rd colum.... =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A1,$B$1:$B$600,1,FALSE)),"","Yes") Simply paste this code and if exist so it will return yes in front of that column.... 

How to get a date before or after 7 days from the current date using php programming?

getting a date before 7 days using php programming here is the code of to getting the date of 7 days before simply copy and paste this code on your page and and run this file on browser. <?php $m= date("m"); // Month value $de= date("d"); //today's date $y= date("Y"); // Year value echo date('Y-m-d', mktime(0,0,0,$m, ($de-7) ,$y)); ?> Note: You can change the diffrence  of date by changing the  " ($de-7)" 7 number to get  according yourself. you can also get a date after 7 days from the current date <?php $m= date("m"); // Month value $de= date("d"); //today's date $y= date("Y"); // Year value echo date('Y-m-d', mktime(0,0,0,$m, ($de+7) ,$y)); ?> Note: You can change the diffrence  of date by changing the  " ($de+7)" 7 number to get  according yourself.

How to edit footer or modified footer in magento?

Want to edit footer or modified footer in magento follow these steps For the frontend: app\design\frontend\default\default\template\page\html\footer.phtml For the backend: (If you want to edit footer in back end): app\design\adminhtml\default\default\template\page\footer.phtm You can find here head file, breadcrumbs file to change different static contant.

How to remove or change index.php from url in magento

you want to remove or change index.php from url in magento through admin and by page so please follow this steps.... i m sure it will work for you example: to then use the following steps 1) Login to admin section by using the URL http://websitecom/index.php/admin 2) then go to “System >>  Configuration >>Web >> Search Engines Optimization” Use Web Server Rewrites : YES 3) Go to “System >>  Configuration >>Web >>Secure” Use secure URL Frontend: YES 4)Then create the .htaccess file under your the magento installed folder. If the magento installed under document root ( /home/username/public_html) then add follogig rules into .htaccess  file <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] </IfMod...

Setting Up Google Checkout or How to set Google Checkout?

Setting up Google Checkout ADMIN > Configuration > Sales > Google API > Google Checkout Overview Magento Go allows you to integrate your store with Google Checkout. With Google Checkout, customers can pay for purchases in their shopping cart using the Google Checkout payment processing system. For field descriptions, see Configuration: Google API - Google Checkout . Step 1: Open a Google Checkout Merchant Account The first step is to establish a Google Checkout merchant account. As you go through the process, take note of the following information, which you will need to complete the configuration in Magento Go: Merchant ID Merchant Key For more information about opening a Google Checkout merchant account for your Magento Go store, see the Google Checkout website . Step 2: Configure Google Checkout in Magento Go From the Admin panel, select System > Configuration . From the Configuration panel on the left, under Sales, select the Google API tab. Expand th...