
How to hide an email before @ in php?

If you are looking for a function in which you want a code to hide email before @ so just copy and paste this code. function hide_mail($email) {     $mail_part = explode("@", $email);     $mail_part[0] = str_repeat("*", strlen($mail_part[0]));     return implode("@", $mail_part); } Pass email id in it and this will hide the email before @ // *************

How to hide Phone number in PHP with different format?

How to hide phone number in PHP. I am using phone number in pp but i want a function in which i can add star in my phone number so can user can not read a phone number only some number will be visible and some number will be with asterisk. So i created a function in which i have added a code. You can just change the logic and change the format of phone number to hide the number. function stars($phone) { $times=strlen(trim(substr($phone,4,5))); $star =''; for ($i=0; $i <$times ; $i++) {  $star.='*'; } return $star; } // 99******54 above function will print a number like this

My AOC monitor C24V1H curved sound not working?

Today I bought a monitor AOC Curved C24V1H and I did everything but sound not working. What is the problem? Actually this version of AOC C24V1H sound not working because it has no speaker builtin. It has speaker space and audio jack to connect the speaker but it has no speaker. If you will search on the internet and find a PDF file of AOC C24V1H then you will find that there is no built-in Speaker in this monitor. I struggled so much to this then I found that AOC C24V1H does not has a speaker. Hope you found the Answer.

Will you fight for Priyanka Reddy? Priyanka Reddy murder - Time to fight back!

Are women safe in India? 27-year-old veterinarian raped and murdered, charred body found   The scaring sexual assault and burning alive of a young veterinary doctor has shocked the India. Justice for Dr. Priyanka Reddy Here is the full  story As People are saying, that four people had already planned the crime after they had noticed that the  veterinary doctor  had parked her two-wheeler at the Tondu pally toll plaza. Those four people assumed that the doctor(Priyanka Reddy) would come to pick it up later in the evening or at night. Accused then punctured the tyre. Hyderabad Doctor Murder Case As Priyanka Reddy was coming to home from work, after 8:00 pm to pick her Scooty, she noticed a tyre is punctured or flat. She immediately called her sister and said all these thing, who suggested that she leave her Scooty on the same place and take a cab home. Before she could do anything, two men asked her to help, who offered to take her vehicle ...

How to use set_select on a multiple select box in codeigniter?

This is an example of multi select box in codeigniter <select multiple class="form-control" name="city[]" id="city" style="height: 123px !important;">          <?php $cities = getCitieslist();          foreach ($cities as $city) {          ?>                   <option value="<?php echo $city->id?>" <?php if(@in_array($city->id, set_value('city[]'))): ?> selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>>                          <?php echo  $city->fk_name.' - '.$city->description?>                  </option> <?php  } ?> </select> You can take a look above code or In simple code you can select the multiple value <?php if(@in_array($city->id, set_value('city[]'))): ?> select...

How to hide all rows with one ID in JavaScript?

You can hide all rows with same id via this code. Or you can take any action on all element which has the same id. const elementsList = document.querySelectorAll("#hideornot"); const elementsArray = [...elementsList]; elementsArray.forEach(element => { = "none"; // change according your need });

How to read query string value with JavaScript?

To read query string value from the current url with javascript you need to add a function in your head or body section. function getQueryStringValue ( key ) { return decodeURIComponent ( window . location . search . replace ( new RegExp ( "^(?:.*[&\\?]" + encodeURIComponent ( key ). replace ( /[\.\+\*]/ g , "\\$&" ) + "(?:\\=([^&]*))?)?.*$" , "i" ), "$1" )); } Then you can alert or console the value of your query string. Like you have this url in your query string now you can get the value of key string like this. console . log ( getQueryStringValue ( "key" )); or you can alert this alert( getQueryStringValue ( "key" ) );