
How to edit footer or modified footer in magento?

Want to edit footer or modified footer in magento follow these steps For the frontend: app\design\frontend\default\default\template\page\html\footer.phtml For the backend: (If you want to edit footer in back end): app\design\adminhtml\default\default\template\page\footer.phtm You can find here head file, breadcrumbs file to change different static contant.

How to remove or change index.php from url in magento

you want to remove or change index.php from url in magento through admin and by page so please follow this steps.... i m sure it will work for you example: to then use the following steps 1) Login to admin section by using the URL http://websitecom/index.php/admin 2) then go to “System >>  Configuration >>Web >> Search Engines Optimization” Use Web Server Rewrites : YES 3) Go to “System >>  Configuration >>Web >>Secure” Use secure URL Frontend: YES 4)Then create the .htaccess file under your the magento installed folder. If the magento installed under document root ( /home/username/public_html) then add follogig rules into .htaccess  file <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] </IfModule> and

Setting Up Google Checkout or How to set Google Checkout?

Setting up Google Checkout ADMIN > Configuration > Sales > Google API > Google Checkout Overview Magento Go allows you to integrate your store with Google Checkout. With Google Checkout, customers can pay for purchases in their shopping cart using the Google Checkout payment processing system. For field descriptions, see Configuration: Google API - Google Checkout . Step 1: Open a Google Checkout Merchant Account The first step is to establish a Google Checkout merchant account. As you go through the process, take note of the following information, which you will need to complete the configuration in Magento Go: Merchant ID Merchant Key For more information about opening a Google Checkout merchant account for your Magento Go store, see the Google Checkout website . Step 2: Configure Google Checkout in Magento Go From the Admin panel, select System > Configuration . From the Configuration panel on the left, under Sales, select the Google API tab. Expand th

How to change or rename all file name in a folder in php?

If you want change or rename All file name or all images name in a folder so you can use this code and manipulate this code according to your need. <?php if ($handle = opendir('foldername1/')) {     echo "Directory handle: $handle\n";     echo "Files:\n";     /* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */     while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {     echo $file;    $newnameArr=explode('.',$file);// make sure in your file name there should not be . (full stop in File Name )     $Change_imageName = "yourchangename".$newnameArr[1];        echo $Change_imageName.'<p></p>';     rename( "foldername1/$file","foldername2/$Change_imageName");     }     closedir($handle); } ?> Note=> Where "Foldername1" is that folder where is images place now And "Foldername2" is that folder where images will take place after rename or change the filename. F

How to read all file name in a folder in php?

Read all file name in folder or Directory Here is the script which will return you all file name from a folder or Directory <? if ($handle = opendir ('cartColor-60-75/')) {     echo "Directory handle: $handle\n";     echo "Files:\n";     /* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */     while (false !== ($file = readdir ($handle))) {         echo "$file";         echo '<p></p>';     }     /* This is the WRONG way to loop over the directory. */     while ($file = readdir($handle)) {         echo "$file<br/>";     }     closedir($handle); } ?>

How to get a string in excel with only first letter is capital and rest of string in small letter?

This code will give the right string in excel . In string First letter will be capital letter and rest of string will be in small letter. try this really works..... = UPPER (LEFT(A1,1))&LOWER(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-1))

php interview question for 1-2 year experience

PHP-Mysql Interview Questions Q:1 How can we submit a form without a submit button? A:1 The main idea behind this is to use Java script submit() function in order to submit the form without explicitly clicking any submit button. You can attach the document.formname.submit() method to onclick, onchange events of different inputs and perform the form submission. you can even built a timer function where you can automatically submit the form after xx seconds once the loading is done (can be seen in online test sites). Q:2 In how many ways we can retrieve the data in the result set of MySQL using PHP? A:2 You can do it by 4 Ways 1. mysql_fetch_row. 2. mysql_fetch_array 3. mysql_fetch_object 4. mysql_fetch_assoc Q:3 What is the difference between mysql_fetch_object and mysql_fetch_array? A:3 mysql_fetch_object() is similar to mysql_fetch_array() , with one difference - an object is returned, instead of an array. Indirectly, that means that you can only