How to import and export the data from MongoDB in json format?

You can use these query to import and export the data from MongoDB in JSON format.

First of all you need to install MongoDB in your system.

Then open cmd with administrator

Now go to mongodb bin directory like

Then run this command

Query to Export
mongoexport --db databasename --collection collectionname --out filename.json

Now you need to import the data from your file which you have backup recently

Query to Import
mongoimport --collection collectionname --db databasename --file filename.json

By use these query you can import and export the data from mongoDB in json format

Now if you have to use these query then use same process to import and export

Then open cmd with administrator
 and then run these command with your mongoDB details
Query to import
mongoimport --host hostname --port 27017 --username yourusername --password yourpassword --collection collname --db dbname --file filename.json

Update the collection via import
You can also update the data from same export file just open and make changes in json file and import
To more info please check second mongoDB blog
here you can find how can you update the collection on the basis of _ID
Click here to check the import function to update collection
