
What is the difference between wamp lamp mamp xampp server?

Difference wamp lamp mamp xampp Server All thing is same in all Server which i have mentioned below This is a open source platform and you can free download and use it. Apache is the web server. Mysql is the relational database management system. PHP is the object-oriented scripting language. Wamp: Full form of WAMP is Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP. WAMP Server is work on Windows Operating System only. Lamp : Full form of LAMP is Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. LAMP Server is work on Linux Operating System only LAMP is a combine package of Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. Mamp : Full form of MAMP is MAC, Apache, MySQL and PHP. MAMP Server is work on MAC Operating System only.   Xamp p: xampp stands for x-os, apache, mysql, php , perl. X-OS means it can be used for any operating system. XAMPP for major operating system including windows, mac, Linux. XAMPP Server come along with some additional features including support of perl, filezilla, m

What is the problem with Meteor SEO?

Meteor SEO problem Here i will tell you the problem with SEO and Meteor Meteor does not have Problem with SEO  it has problem with SEO Page Okay let me explain:- If you run the page on browser of Meteor site and will check the source code by Ctrl+U then you will find that there is only some css and js file and Some JaveScript Code HTML does not render on HTML file This is the main problem with Meteor Pages When Good crawl the page and it does not found the html on pages then it google thinks that it is a blank page and does not crawl the content. So in SEO purpose Google does not crawl the content In Technical Way: if google visits your Meteor Site it Crawl the html document on your server show it and tries to understand what your document is about in page. If a user search on google for some keyword, google may think “that a page i had crawled that day, I think this can be answer the users request the best.” The thing with Meteor is, that it is a client-heavy web ap

How to update a collection via mongoimport in MongoDB?

You can update a collection via mongoimport in MongoDB --upsert provide you the facility to update the data on basis of _id in MognoDB collection Take a look on this post here you can learn how to import and export the data from MongoDB After take the backup from MongoDB you can change the data from document but keep in mind do not change the _id Now like you have imported a collection from mongoDB named user.json Open the file and make your changes and the save the file Now you can import the file it will update your document on the basis of _id in documents mongoimport --collection profiles --db backup --upsert --file user.json

How to import and export the data from MongoDB in json format?

You can use these query to import and export the data from MongoDB in JSON format. First of all you need to install MongoDB in your system. Then open cmd with administrator Now go to mongodb bin directory like C:\wamp\bin\mongodb\mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-2.4.12\bin Then run this command Query to Export mongoexport --db databasename --collection collectionname --out filename.json Now you need to import the data from your file which you have backup recently Query to Import mongoimport --collection collectionname --db databasename --file filename.json By use these query you can import and export the data from mongoDB in json format Now if you have to use these query then use same process to import and export Then open cmd with administrator  and then run these command with your mongoDB details Query to import mongoimport --host hostname --port 27017 --username yourusername --password yourpassword --collection collname --db dbname --file filename.json Upda

Laravel Composer main Command

Laravel Composer main Command These are the main composer command which is necessary when you install first time a Laravel Project. composer self-update - It will self update the composer composer update - It will update the all library or packages for laravel project composer dump-autoload - This will update the autoload, If any file is update or class added composer dumpautoload - This is same function as above

What is best configuration for desktop PC under 80000?

Best configuration for desktop PC under 80000 According to me this should be the best configuration which is under 80000. For Heavy/Personal and Gaming Use this PC give you 100%  Performance. Here are the specification for Desktop PC 17190 - ASUS Z97PRO WIFI (1150) 5,428 - Corsair Vengeance DDR3 8 GB (1 x 8 GB) PC RAM (CMZ8GX3M1A1600C10) 5,000 - Sandisk ultra ssd 120 21490 - Intel Core I7-4790k Processor (8m Cache, Up To 4.40 Ghz) (i-7 4790k) 13000 - 22" moniter DELL 24" LED (ST 2440 L) 1,470 - Logitech MK260 Combo Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo 3,990 - CORRSAIR VS-650 SMPS 5,800 - Any Cooler Master Cabinet 4,875 - Corsair H60 Cooler ------------------------------------ 78243 ------------------------------------ All price are in Rupees and price can be UP and DOWN. According to your configuration, you can add Graphic Card too but for now there is not any need to add. When you have extra money to burn then you can have it. Please Note:- Before to buy the

How to use Sass or Scss in a Meteor app?

Use Sass or scss in Meteor app To use Sass or Scss file in Meteor First of all you need to add scss or sass package in Meteor Run this command first: mrt add scss Now create a scss file inside your stylesheet folder or anywhere you want to add Like scss_style.scss You can add a css style code to test like h1{ color:red !important; } Now restart your app. I hope it is working now. But this will not work after 0.8 version of meteor Please comment or share this post to inspire me :)